Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 2013 Update

Important Registration Notice

As of September this year, the Girl Scout council has initiated a new registration process. All new and old Girl Scouts, who are not requesting financial assistance, are required to set up an account and register online. By registering online, each parent gives permission for their daughter to be a girl scout. As a result, registration cannot be done on a troop level.

The online registration system requires an active email address and credit card.You also must have PC or Mac access; you cannot register using a smart phone or tablet.

If you are requesting financial assistance, you must include the amount you are able to pay along with your registration. Therefore, I will be available on Friday to collect any amounts that need to be forwarded to the council.   

To facilitate the new registration process, on Friday the computers in Room 4-1 will be available so parents who have paid the $30 registration fee may create an account and register online. The registration process will take approximately 15 minutes, so please arrive early.  You can also register online at the following link and pay the $30 registration fee directly. If you register directly, please provide a printout of your confirmation. 
I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. This is a totally new process for us.

Calendar 2013
                                                                   October 18th – Meeting
October 25th – No Meeting; Nut money due
November 1st – Meeting; Toiletries for Norman Towers; Final Dues payment due
November 15th – Meeting
November 16th – Norman Towers
November 22nd – Meeting

In The Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. The girl scouts have our own breast cancer survivor, Ms. Vera. She’s participating in the Breast Cancer Walk this Sunday.  To show our support we’re asking that each girl wear something pink with her uniform on Friday: socks, bows, bracelets, etc. We’re also asking for donations to make a difference to the cause. In addition, any donation girl scouts or their parents bring will be matched, to double our troop donation.   


Nut Sale

As a reminder, the annual Nut Sale is underway.  All girl scouts have received a packet with the details. Earlier today I forwarded an email from the council about the sale. Please remember even if you are not able to sell, to complete and turn in the address booklet.
Remember, all money is due on Friday, October 25th. Although there is no meeting that day, I will be at 682 Park Ave (Aftercare building) from 4-6pm for collection. All orders MUST be turned in by October 29th in order for your daughter to receive any incentives. 

Late orders may be placed but girls will NOT earn patches or prizes.

All girls will be receive a summary form at this week's meeting. The summary form lists everything that must be handed in for the sale. It must be totaled and turned in instead of the order form.  

Norman Towers
We will have our first community service event on Saturday November 16th.  We’re hosting a luncheon for the seniors at Norman Towers in East Orange on Saturday, November 16th. The luncheon will be from 11:30a-1:30p. As we present each senior with a gift bag, so we’re asking that each girl donates 3 unisex toiletry items (soap, lotion, etc) to give to the seniors. All toiletries are due by Friday, November 1st so there will be time to assemble the gift bags.

In order to attend, all girls must be in uniform. Parents must provide transportation to and from the event, which is located at 500 North Walnut St.

Also, please speak to a leader if you would like to make a food donation. The seniors LOVE home cooking.


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