Thursday, February 28, 2013

March Newsletter

Important Dates

                                                      3/1 – Meeting
3/2 – Sweet Shoppe
3/8 – Meeting
3/15 – Meeting/1st Late Orders Due
3/22 – Cookie Delivery
4/12 – Meeting/2nd Late Order Due
4/19 – Meeting
4/20 – Scout-a-Rama
6/1-6/2 – Aquarium Trip

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Girl Scout Blog – you’ll never have to worry about lost newsletters or erroneously deleted emails again. The blog has copies of all our newsletters as well as the calendar. In addition, our photo gallery will soon be up and running so you can see us in action. Just go to the site Subscribing up is a 2-step process. Once you enter your email, a confirmation will be sent to your address. Come back to the site, enter the confirmation code and you’re all done. Subscribers get automatic emails every time new content is posted. You’ll also be helping to save the environment by not using paper.

Sweet Shoppe
Just a reminder – the Sweet Shoppe originally scheduled for the February 8th Blizzard Nemo weekend is on for this Saturday. We’ll be making a variety of candy and other sweets this March 2nd from 1-3pm. Uniforms are not required as this will be a messy event! The Sweet Shoppe is $2.00 per girl.

Cookie Sale                                               
The initial order has been turned in and we’re just waiting for the cookie train to arrive!! (Our freshly baked cookies come by train from Little Brownie Bakers in Kentucky-there’s just too many to ship by truck!). But the cookie sale is not over yet. There are 2 dates to turn in re-orders and late orders-March 15th and April 12th.

Our cookies will be available for pickup on Friday, March 22nd, 4:15-9pm. All girls will earn 30¢ per box which can be used to offset the cost of the remaining trips for this scout year.


Ready for some old-fashioned girl scout fun? We’re hosting a Scout-a-Rama! What’s that you ask? It’s a day of fun, games, crafts and singing. Since there will be other troops, we’ll be able to SWAP! The Scout-a-Rama will be Saturday, April 20th and cost $5.00 per girl.

Save the Date
 Our end of the year trip is going to be June 1st - 2nd. We’re staying within the state this year and taking a trip to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, overnighting at our hotel in Berlin NJ, then spending the next day at Sahara Sam’s – NJ’s largest indoor water park. It’s going to be a great fun-filled weekend. Parents, who are attending as chaperones, are welcome to drive their cars, as the girls will be traveling on the school bus.

The cost is $100 for adults and $80 for girls. A $25 per person deposit is due by April 12th. Deposits must be paid even for those whose balance is covered by cookie credit. As always the cost includes admissions, accommodations, food and transportation. More detailed information will follow, as we get closer to the date.


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