Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome Back! 2013

Welcome to a New Year of 
Girl Scouting at EOCCS !!!

We’re staying digital so you don’t have to keep track of newsletters that get lost in bookbags and or don’t always make it home, so please make sure you check our online blog. It has everything in one place about what’s going on with the EOCCS Girl Scouts as well as our calendar.

Our bog’s address is You can check it from any computer or smart phone. There also a link on the school website in case you lose the web address. However, if you subscribe, you’ll get an automatic notice anytime something new is posted.

Subscribing is a simple 2-stage process. 1st click the subscribe link so you can enter your email address and the verification text. You’ll soon get an email with a link to click on to verify your subscription. Once you verify, you’re all set.

Important Dates!!
October 4th - 1st Meeting (Nut Sale begins)
October 11th - Meeting
October 18th - Meeting
October 25th – No Meeting Nut & Candy money due

Girl Scout meeting are held the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays of the months that school is in session.  Meetings are at 99 Washington St. Brownies meeting on the 1st floor in the multipurpose room; daisies and juniors meet in the classroom to the right at the top of the stairs. As always there’s no need to bring girls to the meetings. 2nd graders are transported to 682 with the bus student. Then all Girl Scouts are walked across the street with their leaders and the security guard.

Meetings are from 4-6pm. Please try not to pick up your daughter before 5:45p as we doing snack and closing circles. In addition, picking up your child after 6:00p prevents us from spending time with our own children. Therefore, parents who repeatedly pickup their daughters late, will be required to attend meetings with their daughters.  

Check out the link on the left for uniform specifics, troop numbers & levels. Use the pictures as a guide to know where iron-on/sew everything. 

Uniforms are available at the Girl Scout Council at 120 Valley Rd, Montclair. The shop hours are 9:00am-5:00pm Wednesdays & Fridays and the 9:00-12:00 the 2nd Saturday of the month. Our troops uniform consists of a vest and skirt or pants. The vest, along with the council patch and flag, can be purchased at the council shop for approximately $25.00. Daises & Brownies have the option of purchasing the matching skort from the council. You can also purchase a pair of Khaki pants. Purchasing a Starter kit is not necessary. 

Please note, you MUST have vest to be considered in uniform. Wearing the girl scout colors is NOT sufficient nor are graphic T-shirts.

In addition, only age level badges go on the front of the uniform, Nut, Cookie and other fun patches must be placed on the back.

We'll be handing out our fall fundraiser, the Candy and Nut Sale on October 4th, our first meeting. Girl Scouts can earn a series of 4 interlocking patches by participating in the sale. By selling 12 candy and nut items and 3 magazine subscriptions, girls can earn the 2 biggest pieces of the interlocking patch.
The final 2 patches can be earned with no selling. 1 patch can be earned by completing the pink address booklet with 10 names and addresses. The 2nd patch is earned by registering on the magazine website and entering 10 email addresses through this link. All nut money is due October 25th. I will be available for collection even though we will not have a meeting.

More specifics are in the Nut & Candy packet. The troop earns $1.00 per nut each item sold, $1.50 for each magazine subscription, and $3.00 for each pink address booklet.

Dues & Registration
Our Girl Scout fee consists of $30 annual registration which goes directly to the council and $60 troops dues which supports the troop. The $30 annual registration can be fully or partially waived by completing a financial aid application. Anyone who completed an application will be receiving award notification directly from the council.

The 1st payment of the troop dues is due to Mrs. Holman on Friday, October 4th. The final payment is due on November 1st.  Remember your dues payment covers the cost of books and other supplies for girls as well as our snacks.


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