Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 2014

Important Dates  

             2/21  – Meeting/
                   Cookie Money Due
             3/7 –  Meeting
             3/14  – Meeting
             3/21 – Meeting
             3/22 – Liberty Science Center 

Thank You
Thanks to all the parents, girls and leader who gave their condolences at the passing of my sister & Ms Melissa's aunt. Your well wishes, thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated.

Explore, Imagine and Create… Join Us For a Night of Adventure and Discovery!

Explore Liberty Science Center under the cover of darkness! With exclusive film showings, engaging activities and the chance to sleep under our exhibits instead of under the stars (no mosquitoes!), a Camp In at Liberty Science Center is a memorable experience!
Adventures include climbing a fossil-studded rock wall, playing hide’n'seek with geckos and snapping turtles in our ‘mini zoo,’ getting creative with ‘digital spray paint’ and creating models of skyscrapers!  
The $30 per person cost for this trip includes admission, movies and, meals, We need a maximum of 5 parent chaperones to accompany the girls on the trip. Full payment of $30 is due on Friday March 7th. NO EXCEPTIONS!

The cookie sale has started! Our council uses Little Brownie Bakers (the largest baker of Girl Scout cookies). We have the traditional favorites; Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, DosiDos & Tagalongs. We've also got the newer favorites ;Thank U Berry Munch & Dulce de Leche  & Savannah Smiles. Other bakers may have other cookies but we have the original recipes! The Cookie Sale supports the Senior Luncheon, our Recognition Ceremony as well as our End of the year trip in June. Every girl who turns in an initial order for at least 150 boxes will earn a Cookie Themed Journal.  

The cookies are $4.00 per box and, yes, we accept checks as long as they are payable to "Girl Scouts". Money for the initial cookie order will be collected on , Friday February 21st.  Remember, the Cookie Summary Sheet must be totaled and turned in. No order forms will be accepted. However the cookie sale doesn’t end when the initial order is turned in; you can sell cookies through April. The 2nd order is due March 14th and the 3rdorder is due April 11th

As you remember the annual fee for joining the ECCCS Girl Scouts is $60 per girl. A separate $30 registration fee is paid directly to the council. Our troop's yearly fee includes snacks, badges, activities & supplies. $30 was due the first meeting of the month in October and November. If you have not made your dues payments please see Mrs. Holman as soon as possible to make arrangements. Mrs. Holman will be sending our reminder notices to all girls who have balances.


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