Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 2015

Picture Day

This Girl Scout picture day for the yearbook will be a little different. We'll be taking a group picture of the Juniors at lunch on Friday, April 24th. You'll see the rest of the Girl Scouts featured in picture from activities over the year.  

Important Dates
4/24  - No Meeting, Junior Picture Day
4/26 - Booth Sale @ Macy's Livingston Mall, 1-5p
4/27 - Last Cookie Orders Due
5/1 - Meeting
5/5 - Last day to pay Hershey Deposit
5/8 - Meeting
5/17 - Meeting

Last Cookies!
It's hard to believe but the cookie sale is almost over. There's still time to get your last cookie order in. Final cookie orders are due April 27th. After that, there are NO MORE cookies. Remember, all cookie sales count towards cookie credits.Girls earn 30¢ for each box of cookie sold, which can be used towards the Hershey Park trip. 

Hershey Park Camporee
The Girl Scouts are taking a trip to Hershey Park the weekend of June 6-7, 2015. The cost of the trip is $75.00 per girl or adult. (Yes we need chaperone!) A deposit of $35.00 was due April 17th . The absolute last day to pay the deposit is May 5th. The final payment  of $40.00 is due May 15th. Girls can offset the final payment of $40.00 using cookie credit - Everyone will be notified of their cookie credit on May 8th.  We cannot hold a space, unless we receive a deposit. There are no refunds, as all deposits are given to Hershey Park.

We'll be sleeping in tents. So pack you sleeping bag. What's included in the trip? Transportation, admission to the park, meals, souvenir cup & a commemorative T-Shirt. 

Booth Sales
The EOCCS troops have done very well at our booth sales we have sold almost 700 boxes. Our final booth sale is at Macy's Livingston on Sunday, April 26th from 1-5pm.  You don't have to be there the entire sale; the usual shift is 2 hours. 

Make sure you sign up for remind, the app that let's us send text blasts to parents. We've be using it for reminders of trips, meetings and all other short messages. Each troop has it's own account, so if you have more than 1 child, you'll want to join more than 1 group. To join, just text the code for your daughter's troop to 81010. Don't forget to reply with your daughter's name.
 Daisies - @tr21247
 Brownies - @tr21248
 Juniors - @tr21249
 Older Girls - @tr21246


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