Tuesday, October 6, 2015

2015 Scouting Year!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 scout year with the EOCCS troops. Girl Our Girl Scouts meet on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays of the  month from 4:00-5:45p. We've got lot a great fun planned for the new year. As a reminder our troops are:  Daisy troop 21247 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade
                  Brownie troop 21248 - 2nd & 3rd Grades
                  Junior troop 21249 - 4th and 5th Grades
                  Older Girl troop 21246 - 6th -9th Grades

We have a few ways for parents to stay informed, one being this blog. We're continuing our digital newsletter, so you don’t have to keep track of newsletters that get lost in book bags and or don’t always make it home. Please make sure you check our online blog. It has everything in one place about what’s going on with the EOCCS Girl Scouts as well as our calendar.

You can check it from any computer or smart phone. There also a link on the school website in case you lose the web address. However, if you subscribe, you’ll get an automatic notice anytime something new is posted.Subscribing is a simple 2-stage process. 1st click the subscribe link so you can enter your email address and the verification text. You’ll soon get an email with a link to click on to verify your subscription. Once you verify, you’re all set.

We also use the Remind app for quick reminders. It’s even quicker and easier to join. Just text the correct code for your daughter’s troop to 81010 to receive text updates from our troops: Daisies – @tr21247; Brownies – @tr21248; Juniors – @tr21249; OGs – @tr21246

               October 2nd  – Meeting/1st Dues Payment
               October 9th – Meeting/Address Booklet Due
               October 16th – Meeting
               October 23rd – No Meeting/Nut Orders Due

Nuts and Candy

The Nut Sale has begun! Girls can earn several patches by participating in the nut sale, some without even selling anything! Your daughter received a sales packet which is due in 2 parts. 

Part 1 which is the address booklet and emails are due next week, Friday, October 9th.  By completing the address booklet with the names and addresses of 9 friends and family members, girls earn "2015-2016" patch segment. To earn an other patch, just enter the email addresses of 12 to 25 of your friends and family using the following link, https://girlscouts.qspgao.com/eTools/WelcomeParticipant

Part, which consists of the candy and magazine orders, is due Friday, October 23rd. By registering online, you can also take advantage of online nut and candy sale from friends and family. Although there is no meeting on the 23rd, I will be available to accept order summaries and payment from 4:00-5:30 in my office at 682 Park Ave. 


You've paid your $30 registration to the council, now what? Our troop has annual dues of $60 which supports the troop. Dues are payable in 3 payments of $20.00 each.

The first payment of the troop dues was due to Mrs. Holman on Friday, October 2nd. The second payment is due on November 13th, with the final payment is due on December 4th.  Remember your dues payment covers the cost of books and other supplies for girls as well as our snacks.


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