Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 2017

Important Dates
April 21st – Meeting
April 26th – Dinner @ Arirang
April 28th – No Meeting
                   Mighty Girl Derby Money Due
                   Beach Jam Deposit Due
May 5th – Meeting
May 12th – Meeting
May 19th – Meeting
May 21st – Mighty Girl Derby
May 26th – No Meeting
June 2nd – Meeting
June 3rd-4th – Beach Jam
June 9th – Meeting
June 11th – Jrs & OGs @ Escape Room
June 14th – End of Year Ceremony

Winding Down

As incredible as it may seem, the scout year is winding down. We have only 5 more meetings left on our scout calendar. Below are our final activities for the year. As always, you can pay through the Remind app or PayPal. When using PayPal, just remember to send money to a friend, not pay a bill so that in is a free transaction.  

All parents are invited to our ceremony, so don't forget to put it on your calendar.

Konnichiwa! (Hello!)

As Girl Scouts we belong to WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts). In recognition of this international organization, our girl scouts are going global. We’re going to Arirang Japanese Hibachi Steakhouse in Mountainside on Wednesday, April 26th for a traditional Hibachi dinner.  Girls will get to participate in a Journey to Japan where they will experience a different culture using all 5 of their senses. We’ll leave the school at 4:30p and return by 7p. The cost is $15 per person. Parents and siblings are welcome to attend. Deadline for money is Tuesday, April 25th

Might Girl Derby

We’ve been invited to participate in the Might Girl Derby on Sunday, May 21st, 1-3pm. The Mighty Girl is a Pinewood Derby for girls held at Liberty Middle School, in West Orange. Girls will get their own car to design and race on the 21st. The entry fee is $20 per girl which includes: Pinewood starter kit, participation certificate, fun patch, snack & drink on race day. There are discounts for multiple girls in the same family. All cars must be turned in for inspection by May 19th or face disqualification. Deadline for entry fee is Friday, April 28th.
Girls can also get awards for their cars. which will be judged on-
  •         Most Original  Design
  • ·       Funniest In Show
  •        Best Girl Scout Design ( Car represents Girl Scouts, must contain two of 3: best           scout theme, GSUSA colors, GSUSA emblems)
  • ·       Best Mighty Girl Theme ( Car exhibits Girl Power, it exemplifies the engineer's             personality or talent(s) and represents who she is AND is inspired by a strong         female character or woman in history)

Beach Jam

Our end of the year trip will be to Beach Jam, an amazing event attended by Girl Scouts from all over country. Beach Jam is a camping and amusement trip on the beach in Wildwood, NJ.  We’ll be leaving on Saturday June 3rd and returning Sunday, June 4th. We’ll sleep in tents on the beach after we visit the amusement rides and Water Park. All admissions, food and transportation are included. The cost for Beach Jam is $75 per girl and $85 per adult. Girls can offset the cost of Beach Jam with their cookie credits. (Girls earned 30¢ per box of cookies sold) All kindergarteners must be accompanied by an adult. We also need at least 6 additional adults to chaperone the Brownies, Juniors and OGs girls. The $30 deposit for Beach Jam is due Friday, April 28th. All balances are due Friday May 26th.  


Like last year, we’re having an extra experience for the Juniors and Older Girls. We’re going to experience the latest craze – an Escape Room. What’s an Escape Room? Participants are locked in a room and have 60 minutes to find clues within the room to help them get out. The Escape Room is $35 and includes admission, lunch and transportation. Girls can use up to $15 of cookie credit 


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