Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 2015

 Sweet Shoppe

How sweet it is! Join us for a morning of sugary fun-filled post-valentine treats. Older Girl Scouts will make, take and eat a variety of sweets as they earn the Sweet Shoppe Brownie Try-It Junior Badge, or Older Girl IP . Special tasty activities will be available just for Daisies. The Sweet Shoppe costs $5.00 and will be held at 99 Washington St, on Saturday, February 21st from 9:00-11:30am.

Important Dates
2/20 – Meeting & Cookie Money Due
2/21 – Sweet Shoppe
2/27 – Cookie Money Due
3/6 – Meeting
3/13 – Meeting
3/14 – OGs trip to GlassRoots
3/20- Meeting
3/21 – Junior Trip to GlassRoots
3/26 – Cookie Delivery (Tentative)

Cookie Sale
The cookie sale has started! Our council uses Little Brownie Bakers (the largest baker of Girl Scout cookies). We have the traditional favorites; Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, DosiDos & Tagalongs. We've also got the lemony Savannah Smiles as well as our newest cookie – Rah Rah Raisin! Other bakers may have other cookies but we have the original recipes! The Cookie Sale supports the Senior Luncheon, our Recognition Ceremony as well as our End of the year trip in June. Every girl who turns in an initial order for at least 160 boxes ($640)  will earn a Cookie Themed Baseball Cap.  

The cookies are $4.00 per box and, yes, we accept checks as long as they are payable to "Girl Scouts". Money for the initial cookie order will be collected on February 20th and 27th. However the cookie sale doesn’t end there; you can sell cookies through April. The 2nd order is due March 20th and the 3rdorder is due April 17th. Both initial and reorder count for cookie prizes. Make it to the next level!

Online Cookie Sales
 Digital Order Card (DOC) is the online cookie ordering system. Through DOC you can send emails to friends and family who want their cookies now or live far away.  Because it’s linked to girl accounts, customers can only order after receiving an email invitation. Emails  from noreply@girlscouts.org were sent to the address on the Girl Scout’s account. If you can't get in, chances the email ended up in spam or was accidentally deleted. You can go to Digital Cookie Login and click on “Forgot username and password”.  If you're is still having trouble, go to Digital Cookie Help.

DOC accepts all major credit cards. DOC cookie orders will be filled directly from the bakery.  Although there is a fee for shipping, the delivery time is 3-5 days after the order is placed; so customers will get freshly baked cookies.  In addition customer can get the new Gluten-free cookie immediately instead of waiting for booth sales.


Glass Anyone?
The Juniors and Older Girls will be taking a trip to GlassRoots in March. Located in Newark, GlassRoots is a glassworking hot shop where the girls will be Introduced to the art of working with glass. Using a torch,  girls will make a glass bead  create a simple necklace. Sorry Brownies and Daisies,  you have to be at least 10-years-old to attend. The Glass workshop is $10 per girl. The dates are:
Older Girls - Saturday, March 14th 10a-12noon.
Juniors – Saturday, March 21st, 11a-1p.

A New Cookie!
Toffee-Tastics are crispy, buttery cookies packed with golden toffee bits. They're Gluten-free cookies which resembles Pecan Sandies in flavor. Many people are removing glutens from their diet for allergy and health reasons. Now these people can still get a delicious girl scout cookie.  Toffee-Tastic is $5.00/box. It's available right now to customers through DOC.  The council will not have boxes available until after March 26th .  


As you remember the annual fee for joining the ECCCS Girl Scouts is $90 per girl. This is a 2 part fee. $30 goes directly to the council for registration. (Financial Aid is available for this portion) $60 goes directly to the troop for badges, snacks, programs and supplies. and $30 the first meeting of the month in October and November. If you have not made your dues payments please see Mrs. Holman as soon as possible to make arrangements. Reminder notices will be given to all girls who have balances due.  


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