Friday, February 1, 2013

February Newsletter

Important Dates
2/1  – Meeting
2/8 – Meeting/
          Cookie Money Due
2/9 – Sweet Shoppe
2/22 – Meeting
GS Blog
Please accept our apologies. We’ve had some technical difficulties and as a result our blog has not been updated. Thank you for you patience, As you can see, it’s been resolved.

Sweet Shoppe

How sweet it is! Join us for an afternoon of  sugary fun-filled pre-valentine treats. Older Girl Scouts will make, take and eat a variety of sweets as they earn the Sweet Shoppe Brownie Try-It or Junior Badge. Special tasty activities will be available just for Daisies. The Sweet Shoppe costs $2.00 and will be held at 99 Washington St, on Saturday, February 9th from 12:30-2:30pm.

Cookie Sale
The cookie sale has started! Our council uses Little Brownie Bakers (the largest baker of Girl Scout cookies). We have the traditional favorites; Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, DosiDos & Tagalongs. We've also got the newer favorites ;Thank U Berry Munch & Dulce de Leche  & Savannah Smiles. Other bakers may have other cookies but we have the original recipes! The Cookie Sale supports the Senior Luncheon, our Recognition Ceremony as well as our End of the year trip in June. Every girl who turns in an initial order for at least 150 boxes will earn a Crazy Daisy Zippered Bag.  
The cookies are $4.00 per box and, yes, we accept checks as long as they are payable to "Girl Scouts". Money for the initial cookie order will be collected on February 8th. However the cookie sale doesn’t end there; you can sell cookies through April. The 2nd order is due March 15th and the 3rd order is due April 12th

Our own Brownie, Quinn Pierce, has been working on a community service project. Quinn collects water and soda bottle tops. Every 2,500 tops she that collects pays for a chemotherapy treatment for a cancer patient.  So far she’s collected almost 3,000 tops. Great work Quinn!!! Let’s help Quinn to help more cancer patients. Bring your bottle tops to Girl Scouts on for the rest of the year and we’ll see how many more people we can help!

If you’re doing something special to help your community let us know so you can be in the spotlight!.

Flapjack Breakfast
Thanks to all the parents who supported our first Flapjack Fundraiser by selling tickets or helping to serve. It was a great success. Congratulations to junior Sidney Bailey who sold the most tickets and will receive the a $20 gift card!.Save the date and join us for our next Flapjack Fundraiser on May 18th.

As you remember the annual fee for joining the ECCCS Girl Scouts is $90 per girl. This yearly fee includes snacks, badges, activities and registration & supplies. $30 was due with registration, as well as $30 the first meeting of the month in November and December. If you have not made your dues payments please see Mrs. Holman as soon as possible to make arrangements. Mrs. Holman will be sending our reminder notices to all girls who have balances due.  


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