Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus Response

Dear Parents,
We are in unprecedented times. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the remainder of our scouting year has changed significantly. Details of some changes are below.

Virtual Meetings 

While we can't meet in person for the foreseeable future we want to make sure you daughter can still participate in girl scouts, so we're moving to virtual scout meetings. We'll be sending out invitations to Google classrooms where girls can complete badge activities. We'll also be setting up virtual meetings so girls can get together during the shutdown. Class codes will be shared through the Remind text app. 

Cookie Sale!
The Coronavirus outbreak interrupted our cookie sale, so we still have a TON of extra cookies that must be sold. Although booth sales have been canceled, GSHNJ has re-opened Digital Sales for girl-delivered orders. You daughter can get credit and we can fill orders using my cookie filled garage. Using DOC enables your daughter to sell cookies while practicing social distancing. The cookie sale has been extended until May 17th. We'll be continuing booth sales, once the shutdown is lifted. Remember, the sales from the booth sales are shared between girls to increase their prize level. In addition, girls earn 30¢ per box of cookies, sold that can be used towards our end of year events. If you haven't set up you Digital order card, you can refer to Cookie Ordering Procedure post from January.

Beach Jam
At this time, our end of the year trip to Beach Jam is still on for the weekend of May 30 & 31. However, we're changing the date of the $25 deposit from April 3rd to April 17th. Of course, the deposit will be refunded if the event is canceled; Morey's Piers in Wildwood will notify us closer to the date if it will be canceled due to health concerns. As a reminder, Beach Jam is $65 and includes admission, food, transportation and camping. We only have 45 spaces on the bus, so unless you plan to drive, make sure your deposit is timely. All Daisies must be accompanied by an adult. The final payment date remains May 15th and will be adjusted for cookie sales. 

 OG Cruise
We are still planning our Summer 2021 cruise for the OGs and their parents. While the initial deposit has been cut in half to $50, it is still due on April 1st to secure cabins. No other payments will be due during the shutdown. The scheduled payments will be adjusted afterwards. Remember, cookie sale proceeds from 2019-2021 can be used to offset the fare. 


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