Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 2019

Important Dates

June 15th – Deposit for Washington DC
June 22nd-24th – Cookie Sale @ EOCCS
June 30th – All Cookie Money due
July 1st  – 2nd payment for DC trip
August 15th – Final payment for DC trip
September 5th-7th – WashingtonDC trip
September 18th – Ceremony


Due to the coronavirus, instead of an end of year trip, this year we’ll be taking a beginning of the year trip. Before the shutdown, we were able to secure tickets for the African American history museum in Washington DC. The trip leaves Saturday, September 5th and returns on Monday, September 7th, as we’ll be visiting other sites as well. The cost of the trip is $120 per girl ($140 for parents) and includes the admissions, hotel accommodations (4 per room), meals and school bus transportation. The deposit of $50 per girl has been extended to June 15th.  The 2nd payment of $30 is due July 1st and the final payment of $40 is due August 15th. Girls can use their cookie credit to offset the 2nd and 3rd payments. Please use CashApp or PayPal to make payments. There is limited space on the bus, however we have extra tickets for anyone who would like to drive or bring family.

Cookie Sale Update

We're still selling cookies! Currently we have 1,000 boxes of cookies to sell, for which we are financially responsible for. Now that we are about to enter Phase 2, we will be scheduling booth sales. 

The garage is full, so let me know if you want to stop by and fill orders for those customers who have been waiting for 3 months. 

Girls can still earn cookie credit towards the Washington DC trip although, they can no longer earn prizes. We have until June 30 to pay for the cookies. If we don't sell the cookies, it will effect our ability to go to Beach Jam in June 2021.


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