Friday, March 19, 2021

March 2021


March 20th - Tie Dye Party

March 21st - Booth Sale @ Shoprite

March 21st - Final Cookie Orders Due

March 26th - Meeting

March 27th - Booth Sale @ GNC

March 31st - Movie Trip Money Due

April 10th - Movie Trip

April 16th - Meeting

April 30th - Meeting

May 14th - Meeting

Cookie Sale Update

Believe it or not, the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie Sales ends on March 28th! Because I am running out and only have booth sale cookies make sure to give me all of your orders by Sunday, March 21st, to make sure I will be able to add you to my last delivery.  

It’s not too late to sign up for Digital Cookie and get those orders from out of town family or through social media. Just follow this link to the digital cookie site, put in your password and use the forget password link. All sales up to the 28th count towards prizes. Girls need at least 30 boxes or $175 in sales to earn the cookie patch.  

We’re Going To the Movies!

Thank you for responding to the survey. Based upon your responses, we have rented the AMC Theatre at Jersey Garden Mall on Saturday, April 10th. The cost is $20 per person and includes admission, kid sized popcorn and drink. Due to social distancing, we are only allowed to have 20 people in the theatre and all attendees must wear masks unless consuming food. 

Because the response has been overwhelming, 1 parent will be allowed to accompany Daisy girl scouts only. Other parents will not be allowed to attend. This is a first come first served event, so pay for your child’s seat ASAP, although money is not due until  March 31.

Surprise - we have rented 2 theatres! You have a choice of Raya and the Last Dragon at 3:00pm or Tom and Jerry at 3:30pm. Please let me know which performance you want, when you make your payment. If the performances are not sold out to girls by April 1st, we will allow any parent to accompany until all seats are allotted.   

Booth Sale

What’s a booth sale? It’s a public location where customers can purchase cookies from our troop. We have 2 booth sales scheduled. Sunday, March 20th at East Orange Shoprite from 12-3pm and Saturday, March 27th at GNC in West Orange from 10am-4pm. Both booth sales will be outside and masks must be worn at all times. Because we’re social distancing, only 2 girls can participate at a time; pick a time slot with Sign-up Genius link. Volunteering at booth sales counts towards cookie sales.

Supply Kits

Supply kits should have been picked up last week. Let me know if you have not picked the latest supplies. Arrangements can be made to pick them up from my house if you can't get to the school in time.


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